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Insights for Living 
Inspiration for Life's Great Journey
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    Insights for LivingInspiration for Life's Great Journey$14.95


    If you want to bring purpose into your life, this book of inspiration will help you gain insight and a clearer understanding to some of the issues you may encounter along your path. 

    Let’s start with your reason for being on planet earth. Do you consider your life to be a gift? You should, because it is, even though you may be drifting through life wondering, what is it all about? In this book are the topics the author felt that most people tend to struggle with throughout their journey on earth.

    Each topic contains a message about the quote, scriptures that relate, a true story from the author that relates to the topic, and a poem. You may feel connected to some of the real-life stories. Some may cause you to dig deep within your soul to unravel the meaning. Enjoy!

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